Privacy policy

Ever conscious of the need to respect your private life and protect the information that you provide to it, EAE complies with the legislation in effect with regard to the protection of private life and personal data.

The collection and processing of your personal data takes place in compliance with the provisions of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information technology, files and freedoms, as amended, and with the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of natural persons as regards the processing of personal data and the free circulation of said data, and repealing directive 95/46.

In order for you to be able to browse and communicate on our website with complete peace of mind, we have put in place a confidentiality charter. We reserve the right to amend this charter on the basis of changes to the EAE website or to the legislation in effect.

1.1 Online forms on the website

The personal data collected is the data that you willingly provide when you fill in one of the online forms on the website, in order to request a quote for one of the services offered by EAE on our site, to get in touch with EAE or to give us your opinion as regards whether or not you are satisfied with the services offered.

1.2 Cookies

EAE can also collect informaiton automatically by using cookies deposited on the device that you use (computer, tablet, mobile, smartphone) when you visit the site, as long as it has your consent to do so, and you withdraw your consent at any time.

2. Recipients of personal data

Your personal data will be received by the authorized staff from the client, marketing and/ or commerical department of EAE and the authorized staff of the data processors used by EAE and needing to access the personal data in order to carry out their assignments, in particular IT service providers and technical service providers.

3. Retention periods

Your personal data is only retained for the period of time strictly necessary in order to achieve the aims for which it was collected and processes.

4. Security of personal data

EAE applies its best efforts by taking all appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal data, to prevent them being damaged or distorted and to prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing it and misusing it.